Ideas For Serving Others This Christmas

Ideas For Serving Others This Christmas

Most people say Christmas is their favorite time of year. Not because the weather is especially nice, but because it is a season of giving. Everyone seems to be a little more generous and charitable around Christmas.

Although the spirit of giving can abound this time of year, the spirit of "me-ism" can quickly sneak in if we're not careful. As much as we want our children to get excited about all of the festivities of the holidays, we also want to teach them to focus their hearts and minds outward on others.

Below you will find relatively simple ways your family can serve others this holiday season.

1. Choose a child's name off a giving tree and purchase a gift for the child.

2. Buy a tank of gas for a friend or relative who can't afford to go home for Christmas.

3. Deliver baked goods to your neighbor.

4. Pay someone's utility bill.

5. Leave a happy in your mailbox for the mail carrier.

6. Ring the bell for the Salvation Army.

7. Volunteer to babysit for a couple so they can go out on a date.

8. Serve meals at a soup kitchen.

9. Volunteer at your local hospital.

10. Have a charcuterie box delivered to someone sick or elderly.

Whether you're investing your time, your financial resources, or both to serve others this holiday season, you'll likely find that it's you and your family who are blessed by serving others.

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